Nanjing Hongzun Chemical Plant Co., Ltd
Home>> News>>Sodium Pyrithione——Industrial Anti-mildew Preservative
Sodium Pyrithione——Industrial Anti-mildew Preservative


Sodium pyrithione is a chemical compound used as an industrial anti-mildew preservative. It is also known by its chemical formula C6H4NOSNa or by its trade name "Omaddine sodium." Sodium pyrithione belongs to the class of organic sulfur compounds and is derived from pyridine, a heterocyclic aromatic compound.

As an anti-mildew preservative, sodium pyrithione is primarily used in industrial settings such as paints, coatings, adhesives, and other products susceptible to mildew growth. Mildew refers to certain types of fungi that can thrive in moist environments, leading to discoloration, deterioration, and unpleasant odors. Sodium pyrithione acts by inhibiting the growth of mildew and preventing its colonization on various surfaces.

The compound works by disrupting the metabolic processes of mildew, inhibiting its ability to reproduce and spread. It has broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties, effectively targeting various types of fungi. Sodium pyrithione is water-soluble, making it convenient to incorporate into water-based formulations.